Course Category: Manipulating Surds in A-Level Maths || 2.2
‘Manipulating Surds in A-Level Maths’ is an online course that helps you to understand how to work with surds including simplifying surds, adding surds and also multiplying and diving surds in your A-level maths exam!
Simplest Form of Surds | 2.2-Key Skill#01
Writing write the surd in the form \(a\sqrt{b}\) by finding it’s largest perfect square factor.
Adding Surds I | 2.2-Key Skill#02
Adding surds together with the same radicand.
Adding Surds II | 2.2-Key Skill#03
Adding surds together with the different radicands using their simplest forms.
Multiplying Surds | 2.2-Key Skill#04
Multiplying surds with different radicands and coefficients including working with both single and double brackets.
Multiplying Surds | 2.2-Key Skill#05
Dividing surds including rationalizing the denominator including using conjugates.