This course on Indices helps you to understand how to apply the rules for indices to simplify complicated algebraic expressions, including fractions, negative indices, and brackets in your A-Level maths exam!

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Rules Indices in A-Level Maths
‘Rules Indices in A-Level Maths’ is an online course that helps you to understand how to apply the rules for indices to simplify complicated algebraic expressions, including fractions, negative indices, and brackets in your A-Level maths exam!
This rules for indices in A-Level maths online course contains 7 Key Skills;
Square & cube roots expressed as indices | 2.1-Key Skill#01
Converting numbers with indices in the form 1/n to square roots and cube roots
Square & cube roots with fractions expressed as indices | 2.1-Key Skill#02
Fractions with fractional powers
Negative indices | 2.1-Key Skill#03
Whole numbers and fractions with negative indices, including negative fractional indices
Square & cube roots as indices ~ with fractions | 2.1-Key Skill#04
Solving equations with unknown powers
Fractions ~ Both numbers and x’s | 2.1-Key Skill#05
Simplifying and canceling down fractions with algebraic terms including coefficients and variables
Brackets ~ Both numbers and x’s | 2.1-Key Skill#06
Simplifying brackets with algebraic terms including coefficients and variables
Brackets and fractions ~ Both numbers and x’s | 2.1-Key Skill#07
Simplifying fractions and brackets with algebraic terms including coefficients and variables
This course on Indices helps you to understand how to apply the rules for indices to simplify complicated algebraic expressions, including fractions, negative indices, and brackets in your A-Level maths exam!